My place to wonder, learn, and grow

category Free Inquiry

The Impact on Bc

Invasive species are not just plants they are also animals, and all together can cause a lot of changes in an environment. The area or ecosystem that they invade will likely see negative impacts upon arrival of the species. Some… Continue Reading →

What do Invasive Species Impact?

Invasive plants are any plant this is non-native to the ecosystem in enters. Spread by global trade, human and animal transport and escaping from gardens where it was placed as an ornamental. Invasive species do just that invade, they come into… Continue Reading →

Scentless Chamomile

Scentless chamomile is a cute white daisy like flower that seems about as harmful as a disney bunny. So is it possible that this small delicate weed is causing harm in our province? The answer is yes. Found in all… Continue Reading →

Perhaps one of the prettiest invasive species, in the sense that it has beautiful and strong ways of weaving on buildings and trees and fences gives life a greener look. I’ve always know english ivy to be an invasive species because… Continue Reading →

Canadian Thistle

The Canadian Thistle  A Plant With a Friendly Name: But not so Canadian   This thistle is a perennial we call our own but it is in fact a native species to Europe and northern Asia, but as we could… Continue Reading →

Himalayan Blackberry

This weeks invasive species I looked into is the Himalayan blackberry, a very commonly known plant, especially around the Southern tip of Vancouver Island. I love love love blackberry season! My father and I always go out around the second week… Continue Reading →

Baby’s Breath

The first species I have picked to look at is baby’s breath the species genus name is gypsophila paniculata. Paniculata meaning a plant that has “tufts“. I chose this species because when working in a floral shop it was one of… Continue Reading →

Invasive Species Are All Around Us

British Columbia is a beautifully diverse province when it comes to ecosystems and the various types of nature we have. I’ve always been a nature lover and love visiting different parts of beautiful B.C  to see what there is around… Continue Reading →

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