Invasive plants are any plant this is non-native to the ecosystem in enters. Spread by global trade, human and animal transport and escaping from gardens where it was placed as an ornamental.

Invasive species do just that invade, they come into a ecosystem with no natural competitors or predators which allows them to spread faster. For animals invasive plants usually can’t be used because they are not part of the diet and this in turn puts pressure on the native species themselves because the animals will be looking to graze on them.

As i’ve been researching over the course of this project the going trend is that invasive species are also big threats to agricultural fields. This is a direct economic impact. Other direct impacts of invasive species are:

  • Cost related to research, control and management programs
  • Reduction of economically important resources and crop yield
  • Impacts on the international trade and tariffs

There are also indirect impacts:

  • Loss of ecosystem services
  • Changes in natural habitats
  • Decrease of biodiversity
  • Social impacts

An important thing to note is that not all non-native species are invasive. Invasivitivity usually happens because the species is introduced into an environment much like its own in terms of climate and ecosystem. This allows it to take advantage of the available niches where is reproduces, invades, and proliferates.


The best ways to tackle local invasive species I’d say would be to get educated and know how to remove them safely. There are many tips and tricks to preventing massive spread…likely look for those tips in another blog post!