So this is it for my musical inquiry.

Things I’ve learned:

-nothing will go as planned

-inquiries are hard but rewarding

-playing an instrument is a lot harder  as an adult because of life commitments and priorities

-music knowledge can always be expanded

In these learnings I’ve had a great time with this inquiry because it is almost like a brain break, a time when I can be selfish and think about nothing but music. I am proud of myself and how far I came along, at the beginning of the semester I had unrealistic expectations but I no longer take that as failure, I can look at it as a “hey, I did all of these really great things and even though I am not as successful as I thought I was going to be, I feel like I accomplished a lot.”

I feel I will always use music in my future for myself and my teaching, because music is an infinite tool that provides endless good opportunities to people.

I do feel saddened that my video didn’t turn out as well as I had hoped, but I’m proud of thee fact that there is a lengthy video of my efforts out there. It seems that the second I turned on the camera my anxiety went up and my quality went down. But this was a great learning experience because I never thought I would even be able to get to this point, I’ve played in front of my friends and even recorded myself. I wish I could show younger Jenna that everything does actually get better when it comes to performance anxiety and that it is okay.

I threw in the Cinderella song at the end of my video for fun because that was my warm up piece all the time and I thought if i didn’t post it it wouldn’t feel like I actually did  it.

I am excited for my future teaching  career and am hopeful that I can create a creative classroom that includes music.