Today we had the chance to learn from Rich McHue about Coding.

He put together some resources for educators K-12 and I will like it here.

We learned multiple tools through different websites, all for the elementary age levels. Each website offers a variety of different approaches towards coding. Having multiple platforms to engage all students of different levels is important to help build their digital literacy, because you don’t want people to be too afraid to try something very hard, or too advanced to not be learning anything.

I played with Scratch for the most part because it is the most commonly introduced in the elementary schools in the district of Victoria. Students have risen complaints towards this introductory coding website because they felt they were advanced enough to want to code themselves! I love this positive feedback from students

I was pretty bad  at playing with scratch to be honest so I ended up playing a bunch of games that other people in the Scratch universe have created! I would like to learn more about coding but I am scared because I sucked to bad.