This week I got soooooo frustrated! I had greased my valves before playing one day and out them in on the slightly wrong angle and it took me ages to get them in properly, as this is an older trumpet. Once I got the right alignment it was a smoother sailing practice. I really enjoyed the reviews of building scales in class because it was a fun challenge for me to do at home for a good warm up. I worked my way through each major scale, and it felt like a great cognitive work out. I am loving the little things that we learn in class because I often forget how it worked, I just know it does, but to be able to know how to teach these concepts is great for me because I really want to incorporate music into my future classroom.

I also re-learned the Last Post on my trumpet this week with Remembrance Day coming, and I felt really glad that I chose trumpet for my inquiry because I am just realizing how many things I can do. Through my Wednesday visit I realized not all schools actually have someone to play the Last Post and they just use a youtube video, which isn’t terrible but for me personally being a child of a military service parent I’ve always really cared about what Remembrance Day is about and how authentic hearing a trumpet playing in the place you are observing. So I took it upon myself to learn this so that in the future I can be that person for the school I am at.  -side note- In high school band this was the biggest competition among us trumpets, who is going to get to play this honor, unfortunately I was toooo anxious but my best friend got to do it and it made him happy so all is well.

As far as the pieces I am doing goes they are coming along and still fun to play! So I’m having fun and that’s what is important with an inquiry I think, it makes me want to learn more and try harder because I actually enjoy it.