My place to wonder, learn, and grow

category edci306a

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Last Music Inquiry Blog

So this is it for my musical inquiry. Things I’ve learned: -nothing will go as planned -inquiries are hard but rewarding -playing an instrument is a lot harder  as an adult because of life commitments and priorities -music knowledge can… Continue Reading →

Trumpet Video

We got there in the end, a frustrating process but I’m glad I did it non the less

Week 5 of This Music Thing

We had the music growth day this week and I hit that high F. *this is where I do a little accomplishment dance* Having the whole class to play really got me warmed up and I am sad I didn’t… Continue Reading →

Week 4 of Trumpeting

This week I got soooooo frustrated! I had greased my valves before playing one day and out them in on the slightly wrong angle and it took me ages to get them in properly, as this is an older trumpet…. Continue Reading →

Day Two Trumpet Playing

I apologize for only having this video I was sure I had another…but I hate being in videos, and having people see me play so this is actually a pretty big accomplishment

Music Growth Part Three

Another week in, more challenges and more progress. This week alongside my other pieces I’ve been playing (very loudly) The Bear Necessities. A classic Jungle Book song almost everyone knows. Every time I play I find myself dancing around to it. Asides… Continue Reading →

Musical Growth Week Two

I have now been learning some fun Disney tunes on my trumpet and I’m sure all my neighbours love me. The first song I’ve been learning is Beauty and the Beast because yes it is a classic, but also because it’s… Continue Reading →

Musical Growth Week One

Dusting off my old trumpet I had a lot of mixed feelings about playing again, so right off the bat I knew this project was going to be a challenge to me and my inner musician. To start the re-learning… Continue Reading →

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